
Creative Frontline in the russo-Ukrainian War: Part III

Creativity, design, and artwork can help a lot, often in ways you cannot always predict. Ukrainian creative frontline has become a major force in repelling the russian full-scale invasion of this peaceful country that is now fighting for its freedom and independence.

Creative Frontline in the russo-Ukrainian War: Part II

Our Creative Talks series usually is dedicated to some inside design industry topics and cover opinions and thoughts of creatives about their working process at peaceful times. It happens so that today this working rhythm is not possible for everybody.

Design Industry Experts on Packaging Design: Part I

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Packaging design is probably one of the most complicated branches of the design industry — that is if there are any easy ones at all. With all of its complicated steps, techniques, and nuances to consider, it can be really challenging at times, but all of that makes it even more rewarding when you see […]

Design Industry Experts on Packaging Design: Part II

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I like to think how literally everything that surrounds us is the product of someone’s design. I mean, isn’t it fascinating to buy a bottle of milk and a pack of very breakfasty crunchy cornflakes thinking that someone somewhere spent days and weeks making sure this exact moment will happen to as many people as […]

Creative Talks: Being Formally Trained or Self-Taught Artist, Part 1

I know a lot of people who would like to be the next Van Gogh or Ethel Reed. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be artistic, accomplished, and influential? Another common thing between these artists is that they are self-taught, which shows that formal education is not always the path to success. That’s why a […]

How To Upset Your Designer: An Ultimate Not-To-Do List

Hi there! The design industry, like any other, has its own dos and don’ts. Usually, the don’ts are the reason for missed deadlines, unpaid invoices, or troubled relationships. So, in this month’s Creative Talks, we choose to present you with a not-to-do list and the ways to transform it into a to-do one. To make […]

Creative Talks: Christmas Design Stories, Part II

Andy Williams was right – winter holiday season is truly the most wonderful time of the year. No wonder wonders happen all the time – you just need to stop wondering and pay attention. We decided to do so with a new edition of creative talks dedicated to Christmas and New Year.

Creative Talks: Christmas Design Stories, Part I

Ho-Ho-Ho! Because Christmas is nearly here, we wanted to make this month’s Creative Talks as festive and heartwarming as a cup of freshly-made hot chocolate. And what can be better than some lovely Christmas stories and experiences? 

Why We Love Our Job: Great Stories From Creatives All Around The Globe Part II

Hello and welcome to the Part II of this month’s Creative Talks! As I have already mentioned in Part I, appreciation is a healing activity, and spreading your appreciation to others is also thought-provoking. What do I mean? Well, when I hear somebody saying how they love their job, it makes me think about my […]

Why We Love Our Job: Great Stories From Creatives All Around The Globe Part I

Guess who’s back? Creative Talks! Lately, I’ve been very much into the whole “appreciate what you have” spirit, and it made me realize that it is very restorative to my mental health (what a surprise, I know). This got me thinking that sometimes people don’t recognize or even forget how fortunate they are to be […]

Design Approval: Inside and Out

Hello-hello! When was the last time you had to explain to the clients that their remarks do not apply to the project or that the color they want to be used doesn’t suit them? I hope it was a long time ago! 

Changes in Creative Industry Due to the Global Pandemic

Do you remember all of the prediction articles about major design and project management trends for 2020? Something far more trendy appeared – Coronavirus. There is no doubt that COVID-19 influenced nearly every industry you could imagine. The design and marketing industries are not an exception. How will it change them?

Creative Talks: Before You Accept Client’s Brief

Previously we posted about how to write good creative briefs. We asked some of our customers and creative experts to share with our readers what are the common issues they have to solve while the briefing process.