
Why Visiting Packaging Expos Is Essential for Professionals

At Approval Studio, we recognize the significance of keeping pace with the most modern advancements and techniques in the domain of packaging. One of the most exceptional ways to accomplish this is to participate in packaging conferences and exhibitions. But where to go and what do they do at such meetings? Let’s take a look […]

Essential Guide to Packaging Design Testing Process

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The packaging design process itself is a challenging ride, let alone adding consistent testing to it. Quite overwhelming if you ask me, but highly crucial. I love to think about design testing activities as a way of regaining control over mistakes and errors because you give yourself room for evaluation and analysis. And by working […]

What Is Packaging Design Testing and Why Is It Important?

Packaging design testing is an essential step in the product development process that helps to ensure that a package design will be practical and appealing to consumers. The process involves evaluating the design’s ability to attract attention, convey information, and influence purchasing decisions. Additionally, it also includes testing the design’s physical characteristics, such as its […]

Choosing The Right Packaging For Your Product

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The right and appropriate packaging is 90% of your product’s success. Why so? For example, you might have the best tea in the world, but would it be successful if the package is not standing out on the shelves? Would it become the world’s biggest hit if you do not have such advantages as sustainable […]

Design Industry Experts on Packaging Design: Part I

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Packaging design is probably one of the most complicated branches of the design industry — that is if there are any easy ones at all. With all of its complicated steps, techniques, and nuances to consider, it can be really challenging at times, but all of that makes it even more rewarding when you see […]

Design Industry Experts on Packaging Design: Part II

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I like to think how literally everything that surrounds us is the product of someone’s design. I mean, isn’t it fascinating to buy a bottle of milk and a pack of very breakfasty crunchy cornflakes thinking that someone somewhere spent days and weeks making sure this exact moment will happen to as many people as […]

11 Essential Tips For Packaging Design Process

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Have you heard of the headache-free packaging design process? It seems that there are so many aspects of packaging design that it is impossible even to imagine everything going smoothly. However, there are some tips that will help you to come closer to the desired result.

Packaging Design Process Explained

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We all know that packaging is one of the driving forces of customers’ decision to buy or not to buy a specific item. But how impactful is it really? 72% of Americans agree that the product’s packaging design influences their buying choices (Source: Ipsos). That’s an impressive chunk of the market!

Packaging Design as Science

Packaging design as science

I’ve heard a lot of criticism about the design choices made by different companies while releasing their products to the market. Nowadays, having a high-quality product in the box might be even less important than having a nice, eye-catching and appealing box, as when you “meet” the product for the first time – you see […]