
Author: Nana

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How to Proof POD designs in Shopify?

Today’s world is about tailoring as many services as possible to your needs. Now, you can fully customize your life, completely controlling the colours and images surrounding you. Even Approval

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7 approval stats to surprise you

So, graphic design is a sphere that has become an irreplaceable part of any business. I mean, look around, and you’ll find that almost every single object has been some

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The Best Subreddits for Designers

Social networks are like digital treasure chests, filled with gems of entertainment, information, and inspiration. Only you, the user, decide what to use it for, though. Some use it to

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Craft The Best Name & Logo

What is the first thing you notice when wandering around the supermarket trying to find something to eat? Probably, it is the name of the brand and its logo. You

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Best ways to get inspired

Being a graphic designer is difficult. Not only because of the huge expectations you need to meet to stay in the industry but also because of the creative nature of

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How to Make Your Design Appealing?

Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads in the supermarket when you didn’t know what product to choose? Both probably had approximately the same ingredients, and similar prices,

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How to use Review Tool 3.0

A professional online review tool is, without a doubt, the cornerstone of any successful online proofing and design feedback software. Being such and acknowledging the constant need for improvement, we

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