Happy Holidays from Approval Studio.
Traditionally, our team has a present for you at the end of the year. You are right! It’s the new version of your beloved review system! Today we have the final release of 2021, but be sure, a lot to come next year!
We want to thank all people who joined us this year and all those who have been with us from the very beginning. Thanks to all who report the bugs! To all who offer new ideas! We are happy that we change and grow together with you. We wish you all the best in the new 2022 and hope you achieve professional heights with us. We will do our best to help you!
This year we have started the redesign of Approval Studio, and in this release, we moved to the settings section starting with Subscription management. Changing a plan or adding a new feature is much easier now.
But giving Approval Studio a new look, we made a couple of mistakes that you pointed to us. So, this release contains over 20 bug fixes. If you reported one of them, check the system – it’s 100% fixed. Thanks for your help finding those.
Another small tweak that we added is the inability to request changes unless a reviewer has made at least one annotation. Everyone needs to say why before rejecting an asset.
And the last, but not the least. We have implemented a new feature into our review tool – Eyedropper. Choose a fragment of your asset, and our review tool will give you the color in RGB, HEX, HSL, HSB, Lab, CMYK, or Pantone. This feature is available for all users for free!
Thanks again to all who support us and help us to get better! See you next year!