How to Work Effectively With a Remote Team of Creators

For the last few months, COVID-19 pandemic has been breaking our habitual pace of life and collaboration, and remote work for the different kind of teams became not just a necessary measure, but a way to stop the virus.

Changes in Creative Industry Due to the Global Pandemic

Do you remember all of the prediction articles about major design and project management trends for 2020? Something far more trendy appeared – Coronavirus. There is no doubt that COVID-19 influenced nearly every industry you could imagine. The design and marketing industries are not an exception. How will it change them?

How Design Industry Works During COVID-19 Pandemic

We are experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak, and it surely affects everyone and everything (to some extent at least) regardless of where you are and what you do. Creative industries, basically like any other ones, have to adapt to the “brand new world”. Even though it might be only for a few months, the pandemic will […]

How Design Helps Us Stop COVID-19 Spread

With a COVID-19 pandemic bursting out in the world, people have accommodated various means of fighting it. Social distancing, remote work and remote collaboration, quarantine measures, and so on and so forth.