
14 Reddit “Must Subscribe” Communities for Designers

Spending half a day on Reddit from time to time is the second-best thing next to losing yourself to YouTube recommendations string. Once you’re there – you’re stuck and there’s almost certainly no way out. Unless… you make it relate to work!

The community has a strange but very interesting flavor to it and certainly holds a good place for us designers as well.

In recent times, Reddit has become one of the most popular social media, and currently, it is the 6th most visited site in the world. The reason for such popularity is very simple – there isn’t a topic that hasn’t been discussed in multitudes of service’s threads. Naturally, the creative industry has taken a pretty significant place there. All in all, Reddit is a service for creative people, and, as we know, such people rule the world. So, why don’t we take a look at some Reddit communities for design lovers? We compiled for you a list of must-subscribe subreddits which may be interesting to every designer and sorted them into 6 categories according to their content. Enjoy!

Specific design topics


Members: 84.8k

Posts per week: 120+

Subreddit description: a great logo is the essence of every successful brand, and branding is one of the hottest discussion topics within the industry. No wonder this community is so big and active. You can check works of other designers, communicate with experts, and even get feedback to your creation at their separate subreddit /r/logo_critique.

Best for: people who take a particular interest in logo design and branding and are looking for improving their skills and, probably, even finding new clients.


Members: 120k

Posts per week: 40-50

Subreddit description: in the design sphere, restricting yourself to Times New Roman font only is a sure sign of lack of creativity. In this subreddit, you may find tons of new glyphs and typesettings, discuss them, and get help choosing a font for a specific project. Hint: if you want to find out the name for a particular font, try /r/IdentifyThisFont.

Best for: all those who pay attention to the font of their new book or magazine first and check the content only afterwards.


Members: 352k

Posts per week: 100+

Subreddit description: minimalism has become really popular and stylish in recent years, and the number of members of this sub proves it. If you’re looking for minimalistic ideas, inspiration, or interesting topics to discuss – you’ve come to the right place.

Best for: people who live by “less is more” motto and love sharing their thoughts about it.

Web Design and UI Design


Members: 379k

Posts per week: 130+

Subreddit description: a great subreddit if you want to grow as a web designer. Members often swap resources, share experience, ask and answer dozens of interesting questions. Regular weekly discussions include the question of the week on Mondays, knowledge sharing on Wednesdays, and community projects critique on Fridays.

Best for: everyone who has any relation to a web design industry or only begins the journey into the world of coding language.


Members: 20k

Posts per week: 40

Subreddit description: User Interface design is a broad topic that constantly renews itself and creates more room for an open discussion. /r/UI_design is a great community to share the latest news in UI or speculate on some interesting questions.

Best for: folks interested in UI design, mobile UI design, mobile app design, etc.

Business and work


Members: 31.7k

Posts per week: 15+

Subreddit description: the group is for topics related to information visualization, the design of graphs, charts, maps, etc. Members share their knowledge and thoughts about the design industry from its business point of view, which may prove quite useful for every project manager in the creative sphere.

Best for: Designers, brand leaders, managers, and people who want to make the visualization of the product more persuasive.


Members: 17k

Posts per week: 80+

Subreddit description: good designers are always in high demand. In this subreddit, you can always find good projects for freelancers or some vacant position in the company.  Low-quality job offers are immediately removed from the community.

Best for: designers who want to find a new project to work on. It is equally good for employers from agencies since there are many skilled and creative people to work with.

Learning and feedback


Members: 43k

Posts per week: 70+

Subreddit description: want an opinion from the side? This community will give it to you and will teach you how to improve the design and avoid many mistakes. Here you can find many mockup examples and explanations from the best designers.

Best for: those designers who seek constructive critics on specific projects or artworks.


Members: 6k

Posts per week: around 15

Subreddit description: a small community where people discuss their artworks, share opinions, or sometimes just show off. The sub will come in handy because it is always crucial to receive feedback on the work you’ve done.

Best for: designers who are adequate to critics and want to find a way to improve their work.


Members: 2.4k

Posts per week: 1

Subreddit description: probably, the least active group in our list. Still, we think it’s a great community to subscribe to, since they post some interesting materials, how-to’s and provide good pieces of advice on different topics. If you’re interested in web design, you will definitely find something worth your attention there.

Best for: designers who want to learn more about web design and find some good tips and tutorials.



Members: 708k

Posts per week: 100+

Subreddit description: one of the most popular subreddits in the design industry. Everything design-related can be found here, from serious topics and project discussions to jokes and funny cartoon redesigns. The content is usually high-quality, and it’s almost certain you will find something interesting just for you. Make sure you follow the rules and have fun!

Best for: absolutely everybody who enjoys good designs and doesn’t want to narrow the topic to something specific.


Members: 324k

Posts per week: 120+

Subreddit description: news, inspiration, ideas, software, freelancing –  this sub is about everything graphic design can possibly mean. A great place to look for like-minded people there and share your thoughts and experiences.

Best for: designers who are open to communication and want to get new friends.



Members: 1.6m

Posts per week: 100+

Subreddit description: people love to laugh and that is why there are twice more people subscribed than to /r/Design. It is all about the worst decisions of designers, architects, marketers, etc. Misspelling? Yes, sir. Memes? Yes, sir. Crappy designs? Yes, sir.

Best for: basically, everyone, even for those who are not involved professionally in the industry. However, this sub will be a special place for designers who can feel the whole depth of pain looking at the worst designs.


Members: 8.1k

Posts per week: 20-25

Subreddit description: pretty similar to the previous one, but is still worth mentioning. Great content and good activity as for a small group – you won’t leave this sub without a daily portion of positive vibes.

Best for: everyone who wants to have a good laugh.

Don`t forget to subscribe to Approval Studio – fresh interviews with design managers and designers, our researches and discoveries of the creative industry, and effective design management.

We hope you will find this article useful. Are there any design communities on Reddit you love that are not in this list? Let us know!

Picture of Matthew Roberts

Matthew Roberts

A guy with wide spheres of interest — from project management to board games and to spicy guitar riffs. Has a solid experience in marketing, creative team management, translation, teaching, and occasional freelancing masochism. Big and bald.
Picture of Matthew Roberts

Matthew Roberts

A guy with wide spheres of interest — from project management to board games and to spicy guitar riffs. Has a solid experience in marketing, creative team management, translation, teaching, and occasional freelancing masochism. Big and bald.

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