Your workflow can be separated into logical steps.
Automate the Flow
Finishing one step will automatically trigger the next.
Use Multiple Apps
Connect Approval Studio to your favorite applications.
How does Approval Studio connect with Zapier?
Approval Studio has full integration with Zapier and
uses its API to set up your design review workflows. It connects to Zapier via Zapier webhooks and can set up a trigger to automatically perform your chosen action.
How does the integration work?
You can pick any action and any application available in Zapier catalog to integrate it with Approval Studio. If you’ve ever thought about how great it would be to integrate design proofing with Trello, Asana, or Google services, you’ve found your solution!
Internal Approval Studio Workflows via Zapier
Apart from multiple external app integrations, Zapier can be used to build workflows within Approval Studio. We have prepared some template options for you to test and choose from:
Our Zapier API integration will allow you to automate your workflow and exchange information and project progress between the apps that you use to build your working process. No need to manually transfer data and waste time on this back-and-forth: let the software do all the heavy lifting for you!
Easy and fast integration via API
Build custom workflow templates
Quick & automated data exchange
Integrate with 5,000+ apps
Integrate design review and approval into your workflow.