External reviews in Approval Studio are meant for people outside your team whose feedback and approval you need in your design review process. Mostly, these are clients and other project stakeholders.
How do external reviews work?
Approval Studio users can send an external review in a couple of different ways using the option in their project menu on the dashboard or from the design review tool itself.
Share from dashboard
To send artwork for an external review from the dashboard, you can use a Share icon in front of the uploaded file.
Fill the form
Sharing the file, you will have the possibility to fill in different optional fields like a due date, description, subject, etc.
Choose the language
With our multi-language interface, you can choose the one language that will be the most suitable for your external reviewer if you’re working with a multilingual team.
Enter the email address
The file will be sent to the email address you enter — the only mandatory field in the form. Our design review system remembers the addresses you’ve used before.
Share multiple files
Approval Studio allows sharing multiple files from your project at once if you need your client to review them all.
Share from review tool
Having reviewed the file yourself, you can create an external review directly from our design proofing tool.
Similar email options
If you need to send the file via email, all similar options from the dashboard are present here with all optional fields and a language selector.
Quick link
Also, you can generate a quick link in the design review tool to the file review and copy-paste it to the chat with your stakeholders.
Say friend and enter
The quick link method will require design reviewers to enter their names before they start review so that it’s easy to know who added a comment — this is not a registration.
Choose the language
Quick link reviewers will be able to choose the language of the interface on their own to make their design review and approval process as convenient as possible.
Share from dashboard
To send artwork for an external review from the dashboard, you can use a Share icon in front of the uploaded file.
Fill the form
Sharing the file, you will have the possibility to fill in different optional fields like a due date, description, subject, etc.
Choose the language
With our multi-language interface, you can choose the one language that will be the most suitable for your external reviewer if you’re working with a multilingual team.
Enter the email address
The file will be sent to the email address you enter — the only mandatory field in the form. Our design review system remembers the addresses you’ve used before.
Share multiple files
Approval Studio allows sharing multiple files from your project at once if you need your client to review them all.
Share from review tool
Having reviewed the file yourself, you can create an external review directly from our design proofing tool.
Similar email options
If you need to send the file via email, all similar options from the dashboard are present here with all optional fields and a language selector.
Quick link
Also, you can generate a quick link in the design review tool to the file review and copy-paste it to the chat with your stakeholders.
Say friend and enter
The quick link method will require design reviewers to enter their names before they start review so that it’s easy to know who added a comment — this is not a registration.
Choose the language
Quick link reviewers will be able to choose the language of the interface on their own to make their design review and approval process as convenient as possible.